Topping-out ceremony “Holz Ziegel Lehm – Pilot project sustainable housing Berlin”
Construction work on our Pilot project in Berlin has reached a key milestone. The whole team including STADTUNDLAND Wohnbauten-Gesellschaft and our partners ZRS architects celebrated topping-out on 5 March in a ceremony.
Residential and business complex Elisabethplatz completed in Munich
In January, the first tenants moved into the new building at Elisabethplatz in Munich.
Competition – honorable mention
We are glad to announce the honorable mention of our proposal for the competition “Historical quarter with library in Weißenfels”
Residential building completed in Potsdam Mitte
In October, the tenants moved into the new building, which is part of the ‘Reconstruction of the historic center of Potsdam’. With its split-level apartments, the ‘Wohnungsgesossenschaft Karl-Marx’ is breaking new ground in the field of social housing construction.
Competition – 4th prize
We are happy to announce the accomplishment of the fourth prize of our proposal for the international competition “Kunstmuseum Bern” in collaboration with AFF architects. AFF ArchitectsKunstmuseum Bern
Bruno Fioretti Marquez partner Piero Bruno will speak about the transformation of “Klett-house” at IBA’27 Symposium “anders! bauen!” in Stuttgart, on the 4th of July.
Competition – first prize
It is with great pleasure that we announce the accomplishment of two first prizes in the competition for residential- und business buildings Breite Straße Berlin – Mitte.
Both our proposals for the “Torhaus” and for the “Verbinder” were honoured with the first prize.
Competition – honorable mention
We are glad to announce the honorable mention of our proposal for the competition of the City-Forum in Euskirchen.
Grounding stone laying
Construction work on the Kardinal-Döpfner-House at Freisinger Domberg has started; grounding stone laying at 11 June with Cardinal Reinhard Marx in a ceremony. Conversion and extension Kardinal-Döpfner-Haus Freising
We are happy to announce that our project Holz Ziegel Lehm – Pilot project sustainable housing Berlin – has been awarded the “climate protection partner Berlin 2024 Award” in “projects of public institutions” category at a ceremony in Berlin on May 15th. The project is a collaboration of STADTUNDLAND Wohnbauten-Gesellschaft mbH with Universities in Berlin, Braunschweig and Stuttgart and ARGEZRS Architekten and Bruno Fioretti Marquez. Holz Ziegel Lehm - Pilot project sustainable housing Berlin
Competition – third prize
It is with great pleasure that we announce the accomplishment of the third prize in the competition for the Quartier KuBiC in Erlangen.
Grounding stone laying – Residential building Zum Kahleberg
We are pleased to announce that building work of residential building Zum Kahleberg in Potsdam is starting. Residential building Zum Kahleberg Potsdam
Bruno Fioretti Marquez will join the ABC Cup at this years soccer tournament for and by architects. Come by to cheer on us!
We are happy to announce that our project Holz Ziegel Lehm – sustainable housing Berlin has been awarded the DGNB Sustainability Challenge 2023 Award in the research category at a ceremony in Stuttgart on 20 June. The project is a collaboration of Universities in Berlin, Braunschweig and Stuttgart with ARGEZRS Architekten and Bruno Fioretti Marquez. Holz Ziegel Lehm - Pilot project sustainable housing Berlin
Construction work on the University buildings in Potsdam at Campus Neues Palais has reached a key milestone, topping out 7 June with a small ceremony for the construction team.
Bruno Fioretti Marquez partner Piero Bruno will speak at the lecture series BDA Vorträge on the 27th of april.
Prof. Donatella Fioretti wird neue Direktorin der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf!
We are very happy and proud to announce that Prof. Donatella Fioretti will be the new director of the Kunstakademie in Düsseldorf.
Competition – first prize
It is with great pleasure that we announce the accomplishment of the first prize in the competition for a new entry building of the Klett Areal in Stuttgart.
Competition – honorable mention
We are glad to announce the honorable mention of our proposal for the competition of the Kohlenbunker in Gelsenkirchen.
Competition – first prize
We are very happy to announce the accomplishment of the first prize in the competition for the archive building in the city of Bremen.
Competition – honorable mention
We are glad to announce the honorable mention of our proposal for the competition of St. Joseph in Munich.
Competition – second prize
We are very glad to announce the accomplishment of the second prize in the competition for the extension of the Himbeerpalast in Erlangen. Himbeerpalast Erlangen
The second phase of our project Liebighöfe in Aschaffenburg is now completed.
50 Jahre Positionen – Vortragsreihe der TU Darmstadt
Bruno Fioretti Marquez partner Donatella Fioretti will speak at the lecture series of the Technical University of Darmstadt on the 8th of december.
The lecture will be given online and can be joined through a link at the website of the university.
We are happy to announce that our project Landratsamt in Neustadt an der Waldnaab has been nominated for the BDA Preis Bayern 2022 in the category of municipal buildings.
The winners will be presented on the 25th of February 2022 in Munich. District office building Neustadt an der Waldnaab
Competition – third prize
We are glad to announce the accomplishment of the third prize in the competition for the cooperative living Hubland in Würzburg.
Grounding stone laying – residential and business complex Elisabethplatz
We are pleased to announce that building work of residential and business complex Elisabethplatz in Munich is starting. Elisabethplatz Munich
Lecture – “Hunting of the Snark” Positionen und Perspektiven
Bruno Fioretti Marquez partner Donatella Fioretti will speak at the Positionen und Perspektiven lecture series of the Technical University of Darmstadt.
The lecture will be taking place online. Technical University of Darmstadt access link
Conversation – Gesprächsrunde #10: Wir brauchen mehr positive Fantasie – wie verstehe ich Stadt!
Bruno Fioretti Marquez partner Donatella Fioretti will speak at the OQBO Raum für Bild und Ton about cities and their livability in times of digitalization and climate change.
Location: Projektraum Glaskiste / Gottschedstraße 4 / 13357 Berlin
Date: 2020/11/11 19:00 or via zoom OQBO website announcement Recorded video
Competition – third prize
We are glad to announce the accomplishment of the third prize in the competition for the new Exilmuseum in Berlin.
Topping-out-ceremony – Liebighöfe Aschaffenburg
We are exited to announce the progress of the second phase of the residential project in Aschaffenburg, where we just celebrated the topping-out-ceremony.
Recognition – Deutscher Wohnungsbau Award 2020
We are happy to announce a recognition and future publication of the Deutscher Wohnungsbau Award 2020 for our project “Liebighöfe Aschaffenburg”.
Conference – 17th DOCOMOMO Conference – Modern movement and digital challenges
Prof. Donatella Fioretti, Prof. José Gutierrez Marquez
The conference will discuss different aspects of digitisation related to archives, museum, social media, planning and design tools. The invited keynote speakers Matthias Sauerbruch, Donatella Fioretti and José Gutierrez Marquez will present own projects and comment on these question.
Location: Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin
Conference: 05-07 march 2020
Presentation: 06 march 2020, 16:15
Presentation and discussion- Architektur im Dialog
Prof. José Gutierrez Marquez will present our work at Lavesstiftung Hannover followed by a discussion with architectural critic Nils Ballhausen.
Location: Großer Festsaal im Alten Rathaus Hannover
Date: 05 march 2020, 19:00
Convention – “Identität der Architektur – Konstruktion”
Prof. Donatella Fioretti will talk at RWTH Aachen as part of the convention “Identität der Architektur”, which this year will concentrate on the topic of construction.
Location: Foyer Reiffmuseum, Schinkelstraße 1, 52062 Aachen
Date: 31 January 2020, 10:45 https://
Convention – Mauerwerkskongress Schlagmann Akademie
Schlagmann Poroton is hosting a convention on masonry construction where Prof. Piero Bruno is invited to talk about Bruno Fioretti Marquez´ work. The congress will take place in Ulm (January) and Munich (February).
Location: Maritim Hotel, Basteistraße 40, 89073 Ulm
Date: 23 January 2020, 11:45 https://
Lecture – Stadt + Vision 30
Bruno Fioretti Marquez Partner Prof. Piero Bruno will speak on the occasion of “Herforder Architekturgespräche” at the Museum für Kunst, Architektur und Design in Herford, Germany. The lecture series addresses ideas and visions of life in cities as well as current questions on architecture and urban planning.
Location: Goebenstraße 2–10, 32052 Herford, DE
Date: 13 November 2019, 20:00 Stadt + Vision 30
Lecture – Schloss Wittenberg- Das Haus als “Palimpsest”
Bruno Fioretti Marquez Partner Prof. José Gutierrez Marquez will speak at Universität Kassel about our project “Conversion and extension Schloss Wittenberg”. The lecture will take place at 07.00PM at ASL Neubau.
Location: Universität Kassel, ASL Neubau, Universitätsplatz 9
Date: 13 November 2019,19:00 and extension Schloss Wittenberg
Lecture – Reflections of Architecture
The lecture series ‘Reflections of Architecture’, hosted by the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia, concentrates on conceptual questions of architecture. Our Partner and co-founder Prof. José Gutierrez Marquez will speak about the conceptual, inspirational and theoretical background of the work of Bruno Fioretti Marquez and our recently finished projects.
Location: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Room 119
Date: 03 November 2019, 4 pm Slovak University of Technology
Discussion – Y- table talk: Renovation.Strategies and methods
Donatella Fioretti is invited to discuss with Andrea Hofmann (raumlaborberlin) and Andreas Hild (Hild und K, Munich) about renovation strategies and methods at Y- table talk.
The event hosted by Deutsches Architektur Zentrum in Berlin will take place on occasion of the publication of “der architekt 5/19”.
Location: Deutsches Architektur Zentrum
Date: 30 October 2019, 19:00
First stone laying – Residential building Liebighöfe Aschaffenburg
We are pleased to announce that building work on the second phase of residential building Liebighöfe in Aschaffenburg has now started. Residential building Liebighöfe Aschaffenburg
Competition – 3rd Prize
We are happy to announce the winning of a 3rd prize for our proposal for a new building for bavarian national archives, which will be relocated from Würzburg to Kitzingen, Germany.
Lecture – Vom Bauen der Zukunft
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Bauhaus, the Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm is showing the documentary “Bauhaus Spirit – 100 Years of Bauhaus” by German director Niels Bolbrinker. Our partner and co-founder Prof. Piero Bruno is invited to talk about our New Masters’ Houses at Bauhaus Dessau and discuss the film and the future in building with Niels Bolbrinker and Christiane Wachsmann.
Location: Hochschule für Gestaltung HfG Ulm, Großer Hörsaal
Date: 07 October 2019, 19:00 HfG UlmBauhaus Spirit – 100 Years of Bauhaus
Lecture – Wohnen im Quartier
Bruno Fioretti Marquez Partner Prof. Piero Bruno will speak on the occasion of the Ettersburger Gespräch 2019 – “Baustoffe, Systeme, Nachhaltigkeit. Ressourcen für die Zukunft des Bauens.” at Schloss Ettersburg, Germany. In his lecture, he will present our project Residential building Liebighöfe, an innovative contribution to sustainable and social living in a suburban context.
Location: Schloss Ettersburg, Am Schloss 1, 99439 Ettersburg, DE
Date: 04 September 2019, 9:30 am Ettersburger Gespräch 2019Residential building Liebighöfe Aschaffenburg
Lecture – Educational Spaces
Bruno Fioretti Marquez Partner Prof. Donatella Fioretti will speak at the International Summer School “Negotiating Ungers: The Materiality of the Social” in the Ungers Archiv für Architekturwissenschaft in Cologne, Germany.
Location: Belvederestraße 60, 50933 Cologne, DE
Summer School: 12 July- 19 July 2019
Lecture: 16 July 2019, 2:00 pm
Competition – Kindertagesstätte Gudrunstraße Berlin, 2nd Prize
Our proposal for a new kindergarten in Berlin-Lichtenberg, Germany was awarded a second prize. The building is based on a precise composition of hexagonal modules that create a variety of interiors and differentiated courtyards. The spatial approach seeks to combine architecture with pedagogical and playful learning strategies, making the daycare itself a learning tool. Kindergarten Gudrunstraße Berlin
Award – Deutscher Architekturpreis 2019
We are excited to see our project Conversion and Extension Schloss Wittenberg as winner of the Deutscher Architekturpreis, one of the most important awards for architects in Germany. According to the jury, “the successful development of this historic building adds a powerful and contemporary new layer to the castle. Conceptually and technically convincing, this creates a self-confident and self-evident contribution to the history of location, construction and use.” The award ceremony will take place on September 26, 2019 at the Staatsbibliothek Unter den Linden in Berlin. BBR – Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung BMI – Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und HeimatConversion and extension Schloss Wittenberg
Award – Ecola Award
We are pleased to see our project Conversion and Extension Schloss Wittenberg as winner of the Ecola Award. The competition honours projects that use render as a material for new buildings or refurbishments, particulary in the context of listed-buildings. Our project has been awarded a 1st Prize in the Category “Refurbishments” for the interaction between existing and new interventions and the use of rendering in a contemporary and classic way. Ecola AwardVideo: Comment of jury member Prof. Valentin BearthConversion and extension Schloss Wittenberg
Lecture – Teaching and Practice of Architecture/ Didattica dell’architettura e professione
Bruno Fioretti Marquez Partner Prof. Donatella Fioretti will speak at the Accademia Nazionale di San Luca on the 4th of June in Rome, Italy. A hundred years after the birth of the first Italian School of Architecture the conference proposes lectures on the the topics of the current crisis of Italian architecture schools, the relationship between education and research and discusses a new educational model for teaching Architecture.
Location: Piazza dell’Accademia di San Luca 77, 00187 Rome, IT
Date: 04 June 2019, 5:30 pm Accademia Nazionale di San Luca
Lecture – Monument & Verbrechen
Bruno Fioretti Marquez Partner Donatella Fioretti is invited to speak at the exhibition “monumental_public buildings at the beginning of the 21st century” in the Baukunstarchiv in Dortmund, Germany. The symposium, initiated by Prof. Heike Hanada (Technische Universität Dortmund), addresses the architectural moment of the monumental and invites to an open discussion.
Location: Baukunstarchiv NRW, Ostwall 7, 44135 Dortmund, DE
Date: 14 June 2019, symposium: 09:30 am, exhibition: 4:00 pm Dortmund Positions 2019
Inauguration – Landratsamt Neustadt
Bruno Fioretti Marquez is excited to announce the completion of the New District Office in Neustadt an der Waldnaab, Germany. After two years of construction, the first employees moved into their new office, a U-shaped extension of the historic castle, which creates a public courtyard in between. Bayerische StaatszeitungDistrict office building Neustadt an der Waldnaab
Competition – Bildungscampus Pforzheim, 1st prize
We are excited to announce a first prize in the competition for the urban restructuring of the “Inselareal” in Pforzheim, Germany. Our proposal for three new building blocks, including a kindergarten, elementary and secondary school as well as two sports halls, complements the existing pavilion buildings into a coherent campus with differentiated open spaces. School Campus Pforzheim
Lecture – Manifeste
Bruno Fioretti Marquez Partners Prof. Donatella Fioretti and Prof. José Gutierrez Marquez will speak about “Manifeste” at the Festival !Architektur Radikal! at Bauhaus Dessau, Germany.
Location: August-Bebel-Platz 16, 06842 Dessau, DE
Date: 31 May 2019, 11:30 am Festival !Architektur Radikal!
Panel session – Zukunft Stadtraum
Bruno Fioretti Marquez Partner Prof. Piero Bruno is invited to speak at the Hochschule für Technik in Stuttgart as part of the panel session “Zukunft Stadtraum”. The discussants Prof. Piero Bruno, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Philipp Dechow, Prof. Harald Roser and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christina Simon-Philipp will speak about the future of urban space and its qualities for public life.
Location: HFT Stuttgart, Atrium in Bau 8, Breitscheidstraße 5, 70174 Stuttgart, DE
Date: 08 May 2019, 6:00 pm HFT Stuttgart – Brennpunkt Architektur
Lecture – Raum & Welt
Bruno Fioretti Marquez Partner Prof. Piero Bruno will speak at the conference “Wahr Gut Schön” at the Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, Germany.
Location: Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, Schlossstraße 2+4, 82327 Tutzing
Date: 04th May 2019, 9:00 am Wahr Gut Schön – Evangelische Akademie Tutzing
Professorship – Prof. Piero Bruno
Bruno Fioretti Marquez partner Prof. Piero Bruno has been appointed Professor and Director of the department Wohnen und Entwerfen at the University of Stuttgart. The department includes a professorship for Architecture (Design) and a professorship for architectural and living sociology by Prof. Christine Hannemann. A combination that characterizes the institute’s special interdisciplinary profile. University of Stuttgart – Institut für Wohnen und Entwerfen
Lecture – Palimpsest
Bruno Fioretti Marquez Partner Prof. José Gutierrez Marquez will speak on “Palimpsest” at the Academy for Architectural Culture on the 27th of March in Hamburg, Germany.
Location: Campus Rainvilleterrasse, ground floor, Rainvilleterrasse 4, 22765 Hamburg Lecture Prof. José Gutierrez Marquez – Academy for Architectural Culture
Guided Tour – Landratsamt Neustadt, BDA Niederbayern-Oberpfalz
Prof. Piero Bruno, Bruno Fioretti Marquez co-founder and partner, is guiding a tour at the new District Office in Neustadt a.d. Waldnaab on the occasion of the general assembly of the Association of German Architects, department Niederbayern-Oberpfalz. District office building Neustadt an der Waldnaab
Lecture – JUNG Architekturgespräche: 100 Jahre Bauhaus
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Bauhaus, our partner José Gutierrez Marquez will speak at the JUNG Architecture Talks on the 31st of January in Weimar, Germany. JUNG – Architekturgespräche Weimar 2019
Lecture – Identität der Architektur – 3. Aachener Tagung – Funktion
Bruno Fioretti Marquez Partner Donatella Fioretti will speak at the 3. Aachener Tagung at the RWTH Aachen University on the 24th of January in Aachen, Germany.
Location: RWTH Aachen, Fakultät für Architektur, Foyer des Reifemuseums Identität der Architektur, RWTH Aachen
Competition – Deutscher Bundestag Unter den Linden
We are pleased to announce an honorable mention for our proposal for a new office building for the Deutscher Bundestag, close to Brandenburger Tor in Berlin, Germany.
Award – »Respekt und Perspektive« Bauen im Bestand Preis 2018
We’re excited to announce the award »Respekt und Perspektive« – Bauen im Bestand Preis for our project Conversion and Extension Schloss Wittenberg. The jury described the project as a sublime example for the respectful appropriation of an existing structure, which enables new perspectives on history. db-Preis: Die SiegerConversion and extension Schloss Wittenberg
Competition – Vierzügige modulare Grundschule Berlin, 1st prize
Bruno Fioretti Marquez has won the competition for the design of an urban and programmatically adaptable, modular system for six elementary schools with sports halls at various sites in Berlin, Germany. Stadtentwicklung BerlinModular Elementary Schools Berlin
Competition – Dreizügige modulare Grundschule Berlin, 3rd prize
We are excited to announce a 3rd prize for our proposal “dreizügige modulare Grundschule und Sporthalle”, the second competition for five new modular elementary schools with sports halls in Berlin, Germany. Stadtentwicklung Berlin
Bruno Fioretti Marquez Partners Prof. Donatella Fioretti and Prof. José Gutierrez Marquez have lectured at the Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland in November 2017. The lecture was part of the series Architecture Speaks!, initiated by Associate Professor Jennie Reuter and published in “A!RCHITECTURE SPEAKS”, a collection of reportages by student authors on the first 14 lectures. Aalto University Shop: Architecture Speaks!
Competition – Besucherzentrum und städtebauliche Entwicklung Mathildenhöhe
Our proposal for a new visitor centre and the concept for the future urban development of Mathildenhöhe in Darmstadt, Germany was awarded an honorable mention.
Bruno Fioretti Marquez Partner Donatella Fioretti is invited to speak at the symposium ELEMENTE materialForum on the 22nd of November in Berlin, Germany.
Location: ELEMENTE materialForum, Am Tempelhofer Berg 6, 10965 Berlin
Publication – Thinking through Material – In Conversation with Piero Bruno
We are pleased about the release of the book “In Material gedacht / Thinking through Material” by Prof. Uta Graff, professor for Architectural Design and Conception at the Technical University of Munich, including an interview with our partner Prof. Piero Bruno about material and monolithic construction.
Lecture – Best practice – Konstruktionen zum monolithischen Bauen
Bruno Fioretti Marquez Partner Piero Bruno will speak at the Wienerberger Mauerwerkstage on the 15th of November in Berlin, Germany.
Location: Bolle Festsäle Berlin, Alt-Moabit 98, 10559 Berlin
Award – Mies van der Rohe Award 2019, Nomination
We are excited to announce the nomination of our project “Conversion and Extension Schloss Wittenberg” for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award 2019. EUmiesaward 19Conversion and extension Schloss Wittenberg
Award – Beispielhaftes Bauen Karlsruhe 2012-2018
The KinderUniversum in Karlsruhe was awarded an honorable mention for exemplary buildings in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Beispielhaftes Bauen KarlsruheKinderUniversum Karlsruhe
Mention – BDA Preis Berlin 2019
We’re excited to announce the honorable mention of our project ‘Residential building Bruno Taut Siedlung Schillerpark’ at the ceremony for the BDA Preis Berlin 2019. The jury appreciated our reaction to the urban context and the UNESCO World Heritage by Bruno Taut. “The new ensemble of cooperative housing […] is an excellent example of one of the central goals for architecture: urban and affordable housing.” Preisträger BDA Preis Berlin 2018Residential building Bruno Taut Siedlung Schillerpark Berlin
Competition – Kulturforum-Martin-Luther-Platz
The proposal for a new ensemble at the Kulturforum Schweinfurt, Germany by Bruno Fioretti Marquez was awarded a 2nd prize. Cultural Forum Martin-Luther-Platz Schweinfurt
Award – Deutscher Städtebaupreis 2018
We are excited to announce the honorable mention for our project ‘Conversion and extension Schloss Wittenberg’ by the Deutscher Städtebaupreis 2018. The jury commended the vision in urban planning by the Lutherstadt since 1989 and the metamorphose of the city as a concept of reparation and preservation. Our project helps to strengthen the identity of the entire city by creating an authentic place of remembrance: The ensemble of the castle church. Lutherstadt Wittenberg: Die große Rochade zum 500. Reformationsjubiläum 2017Conversion and extension Schloss Wittenberg
Lecture – Liapor Vortragsreihe
Bruno Fioretti Marquez Partner José Gutierrez Marquez will talk at the “Liapor Vortragsreihe” about the conversion and extension of Schloss Wittenberg on the 19th of September in Wittenberg, Germany. In his lecture he will explain the concept of a palimpsest for the supplemented cubic roof structures out of monolithic lightweight concrete on the attic floor of the historical castle.
Location: Schloss Wittenberg, Schlossplatz 1, 06886 Wittenberg Liapor VortragsreiheConversion and extension Schloss Wittenberg
Award – Hannes-Meyer-Preis 2018
We’re excited to announce the honorable mention of our project ‘Conversion and extension Schloss Wittenberg’ for the Hannes-Meyer-Preis 2018. The prize, named after the early Bauhaus director, is awarded every three years for projects in Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany.
Lecture – Bauen als Zeitgenosse. Kuno Dannien
Bruno Fioretti Marquez Partner Piero Bruno will speak at the symposium “Bauen als Zeitgenosse. Kuno Dannien” on the 14th of September in Lubeck, Germany. In his lecture, he will talk about the modern reconstruction of the architect Kuno Daniel since 1960 and his contemporary architecture. A following discussion will correlate the historical context with the contemporary development of the historical centre of Lubeck and other cities.
Location: Gemeindesaal in den Pastorenhäusern, Jakobikirchhof 3, 23552 Lubeck Bauen als Zeitgenosse. Kuno Dannien
Competition – Kindertagesstätte mit Familienzentrum in Miltenberg
Bruno Fioretti Marquez was awarded an honorable mention for the design proposal for a daycare and family centre in Miltenberg, Germany.
Competition – Tempelhof Airport Gallery of History
Bruno Fioretti Marquez was awarded an honorable mention for the design proposal for the Gallery of History at the old Tempelhof Airport in Berlin, Germany. Tempelhof Airport Berlin - Gallery of History
Publication – Der Wettbewerb für das Museum des 20. Jahrhunderts
Bruno Fioretti Marquez designed a proposal for the open competition “Museum des 20. Jahrhunderts” in Berlin, Germany. We’re pleased about the publication of our proposal in ‘Ein Neubau für die Nationalgalerie – Der Wettbewerb für das Museum des 20. Jahrhunderts’, published by Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz. Museum des 20. Jahrhunderts Berlin
Nomination – DAM Prize for Architecture 2019
We’re excited to announce the nomiation of our project ‘Conversion and extension Schloss Wittenberg’ for the shortlist of the DAM Prize for Architecture in Germany. The announcement of the award winner, the award ceremony and the opening of an exhibition on the buildings will take place in the Deutsches Architekturmuseum in Frankfurt am Main at the end of January, 2019. DAM Prize 2019Conversion and extension Schloss Wittenberg
Competition – Konzerthaus Nürnberg
Bruno Fioretti Marquez was awarded a fourth prize for the design proposal for the new concert hall in Nuremberg, Germany. Concert Hall Nuremberg
Competition – Residential building Potsdam “Zum Kahleberg”
Bruno Fioretti Marquez has won the competition for the construction of a new housing development at Waldstadt II in Potsdam, Germany. Residential building Zum Kahleberg
Progress – Inauguration Schloss Wittenberg
The conversion and extension of the new Wittenberg Castle was completed in October and ceremoniously inaugurated on the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation in Wittenberg, Germany. The historical castle was renovated and for the preachers’ seminar, supplemented by cubic roof structures out of monolithic lightweight concrete and courtyard gardens. BauNetz: Reformationsjahr in WittenbergConversion and extension Schloss Wittenberg
Competition – Residential building Spandau
Bruno Fioretti Marquez has won the 1st prize for the construction of a new housing development in Berlin, Germany. Residential building Spandau
Competition – Residential and busindess complex Pergolenviertel
Bruno Fioretti Marquez was awarded a 4th prize for the design of a new residential and business complex at Pergolenviertel in Hamburg, Germany. Residential and business complex Pergolenviertel Hamburg
Publication – Edition Bauhaus 46: The New Masters’ Houses in Dessau, 1925-2014.
We’re excited to announce the publication of ‘Edition Bauhaus 46: The New Masters’ Houses in Dessau, 1925-2014. Debates. Positions. Contexts.’ The book was published by Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau and gives a résumé of 90 years of history of the Dessau Masters’ Houses from the planning phase in 1925 to the reopening in 2014. Our chapter ‘Memoria and Imprecision’ summarizes the design concept and describes the planning process of the new Master’s Houses. Neue Meisterhäuser Bauhaus Dessau
Competition – third prize
We are glad to announce the accomplishment of the third prize in the competition for cooperative living Hubland in Würzburg.